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eWallet is a marketplace where you can link your payment cards, loyalty cards, gift cards, make payments and earn points with transactions.

The aim of this app is to gather everything in one secured app, to simplify people’s life.

This project has many di erent sides, customers (web and mobile app), corporate (web and mobile app), admin manager (web app) I worked from the beginning of this product.

I started creating the branding, then the public landing page at the same time I designed the first app which gathered gift cards and displays how to use them in a very simple way.

Then this project turned into something more complex I redesign the app to include much more information. The customers were able to store loyalty cards, make payments and earn points with transactions and use them to get discounted products.

At the same time, I started working on the admin side, making wireframes and flows to cover all the functionalities that I was proposing in the public side.

