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User experience (UX)

Occurs when our user touch, see, hear, feel, and use applications, sites, devices, services, products, and systems. User experience design is about how we make these experiences feel effortless and perfectly tailored to the needs of our users.

The goal of user experience design is to make life easier for people, giving them key tools so that they have a smooth, effortless experience that adapts to their needs.

User experience design is about how we make these experiences feel effortless and perfectly tailored to the needs of our users and achieve business goals.

To have an ideal experience we must take care of all factors:

The perception is that the user perceives us as we call his attention, how he receives the language with which we communicate, how he perceives color, and its associations. Both written and verbal communication, how the user understands what we say, and how she interprets it and relates to her world. How clear and precise we are when delivering a message and how we organize the content so that it is understandable, how we orient the navigation are some of the questions we must ask ourselves to improve the experience.

Emotions as we make the user feel while interacting with the product or service.

That we give them to enhance those positive emotions, how we motivate them to continue interacting, how we turn it so that they recover from an error for example.

Learning, how we make the user learn to use our platform, which helps us deliver to the user to make the interaction with the tools that are being delivered more efficiently. So it must be an experience that is recorded in the memory of the user, for example, we can achieve learning by having consistent navigation and with the correct hierarchy.

Expectations, a big problem that we usually find ourselves with are the expectations that people have in relation to a brand, product, or service. How we comply with them and how we make a better experience by delivering more than they expect.

Adaptability is how we reach the user in an optimal and efficient way, understanding their technical limitations, how we adapt to different levels of users and their needs.

And everything should be tested and there is so many tools for this, here is a list that I think might be useful if you are working in a UX project: