About Alma

It is born from personal reflection on the national reality regarding how people participate in the processes of labor reinsertion and its correlation with current business structures and society in general that is built and mobilized from technical and cognitive paradigms, leaving aside aspects Relevant in human performance in organizations and related to their essence and value of what they can contribute from their essential skills as a person, which are at the service of technical skills and not the other way around.

That is, the essence of people, what they are, as a whole, is built in an experience-learning process, which integrates its Cognitive-Socio-Affective dimensions, holistic integration, which is the expressive basis of competencies, motivations, and performance at work and in other areas of life.

Proposal 1

It takes the shape of the sun as a reference and is combined with a flower, abstracted from its figurative form, a series of circular transparencies that represent petals and allude to the sun are presented.

This proposal presents two different uses of colors, the first proposal is more saturated and therefore more enthusiastic compared to the second, which is more subdued.

Also, there are two typography proposals for the word soul, the first typeface is a minimalist and modern line, the second typeface is more classic.

In terms of color, orange represents joy, enthusiasm, and fun. Stimulates the mind and is the perfect antidepressant. It is the intellectual force at its peak and in full search of knowledge. Provides well-being and good humor.

Proposal 2

This proposal is based on the abstraction of the figure of the sun, representing its energy through transparent shapes.

The circle shape is one of the most flexible and widely used geometric shapes. It is also synonymous with protection, movement, and adaptability. In some areas, it is also used to transmit social life and creativity.

Yellow is known as a color that brings happiness and intuition. It is a cheerful and bright color that is associated with the intellectual part of the mind and the expression of feelings and thoughts.

Purple is associated with nobility, magic, creativity, intellectuality, and spirituality. Stimulate the imagination and inspire high ideals. It is an introspective color that allows us to get in touch with our deepest thoughts.

Proposal 3

This proposal is based on the abstraction of the figure of the sun, drawn with different circles of organic colors that show all the possible areas of integration in this platform.

At the color level, we have purple, orange, yellow, magenta. All warm colors, which give a feeling of activity, joy, dynamism, trust, and friendship.

This proposal presents two different uses of colors, the first proposal is more saturated and therefore more enthusiastic compared to the second, which is more subdued.


This logo is inspired by the OM symbol and the Lotus flower.

The OM is the symbol of the essential in Hinduism. It means unity with the supreme, the combination of the physical with the spiritual. It is the sacred syllable, the first sound of the Almighty, the sound from which all other sounds emerge, be they from music or divine language.

The lotus flower signifies spiritual purity, a reminder of the tranquility and peace that we long for. It is known as the sacred lotus, Indian lotus or Nile rose for Hindu culture.

Sizes and space

For the correct use of the logo, we have security spaces and minimum sizes of use. Since by excessively reducing the space of your logo or the logo itself, there is a point where it is not legible and that your brand does not visually be seen properly.


For enlargement sizes there are usually no problems, for small-scale sizes perception is usually distorted. To facilitate reading and / or maintain the brand’s pregnancies, its reduced applications must respect a minimum size, which is expressed on this page.


Here it is established which is the minimum white space or protection area that must be respected in its application. This will prevent the brand from being invaded by elements that are alien to it.

Logo Versions

The color version and other variants are presented on this page. These can be applied when there are technical restrictions that prevent the use of the preferential alternative.


The grayscale version is established for use in reproduction systems that do not allow the printing of colors but do support the use of grayscale.

Besides, the high-contrast version of the brand is established. This only supports spot colors and should only be used for printing systems that do not allow the use of colors or grays.

Background variations

Here the uses of color in the brand are presented, according to the context in which it is located and the particularities of the communication piece in which it is being worked, you can choose the version of the logo that best suits your needs.

Color palette

Through color, we reinforce the conceptual sensation that we want to reflect. Purple symbolizes magic, spirituality, and creativity.

Purple promotes harmony of mind and emotions, contributes to balance, mental stability, peace of mind, the link between the spiritual and physical worlds, between thought and action. It inspires selfless and unconditional love, free of ego, encouraging sensitivity and compassion. It signifies loyalty, well-being, success, and wisdom.

The color references are the HEX, RGB and Pantones specified here. If the printing conditions do not allow its use, the logo may be printed in four-color or black.


This section specifies the font used to create the logo. And a complementary font to use in body text and other texts.

Julius Sans is a sans-serif typeface with a unique curvature and fluid rhythm. Its shapes make it very distinguishable and legible when in context.
