How I keep my creativity top notch

La mayoría de las personas buscan la felicidad en sus vidas. Es por eso que compramos colectivamente cosas que no necesitamos, vamos a la cama con las personas que no amamos e intentamos trabajar duro para obtener la aprobación de las personas que no nos gustan. ¿Por qué hacemos estas cosas? Para ser honesto, no […]

Tools that I use to work

La mayoría de las personas buscan la felicidad en sus vidas. Es por eso que compramos colectivamente cosas que no necesitamos, vamos a la cama con las personas que no amamos e intentamos trabajar duro para obtener la aprobación de las personas que no nos gustan. ¿Por qué hacemos estas cosas? Para ser honesto, no […]

My 20 favorites free design books

I love reading, more when it is about design. I’ve found some really useful guides, handbooks, and books that I think every designer should read. 1. The Design Funnel 2. Breaking the Time Barrier 3. Design’s Iron Fist 4. The Freelancer Bible 5. Pixel Perfect Precision 6. The Actionable Guide to Starting your Design System 7. Time Management for Creative People 8. Graphic […]

¿What is UX? + Tools for designers

User experience (UX) Occurs when our user touch, see, hear, feel, and use applications, sites, devices, services, products, and systems. User experience design is about how we make these experiences feel effortless and perfectly tailored to the needs of our users. The goal of user experience design is to make life easier for people, giving […]

¿What is Design Thinking?

What is design thinking? More than a methodology or framework, design thinking combines the problem-solving roots of design with deep empathy for the user. “The mission of design thinking is to translate observation into insights and insights into products and services that will improve lives.” What’s Design thinking about? Finding Solutions Fresh and creative solutions […]

11 Short tips to stimulate creativity

What is creativity? By definition is the ability to create. And what does that mean!?   The ability to create is innate, just living, playing and observing you are using it. Creativity is not only for artists, musicians or writers, we are all creative. The people who cultivate it, work and invest time in creativity are […]