Ecomovers Branding

Overview The problem Ecomovers branding was not representing fully all the great initiatives that they have. They needed to show the purpose of the brand and how they contribute to the world. My role As the only designer I work on the entire process, from re-designing the brand to creating the website and stationery. Breakdown […]

Branding “Berenstein Consulting”

Berenstein Consulting offers innovation consulting, business, and technology management for universities and research centers, governments, companies, startups, and investment funds. Ad hoc technological scouting for companies and investment funds, project due diligence, search and negotiation of contracts, and financing for technological innovation projects. Provides expert support to deep technology-driven organizations: startups, established companies, investors, incubators, […]

Brochure “KYM”

KYM CO-CREATING THE HOUSE OF YOUR DREAMS. Passion, quality, and honesty is our door to the future. We are motivated to deliver a high standard professional and technical service validated by more than 20 years of experience in the construction market. We develop, coordinate, and build projects meeting deadlines, technical specifications, and current legal regulations. […]